Empowering Disabled Citizens in Indonesia through Inclusive Budget Planning: Rights and Responsibilities

This paper explores the multifaceted expectations of Disability Inclusive Budgeting (DIB) among disabled people, emphasizing its significance beyond mere disability mainstreaming within development goals. Informants' insights reveal that DIB carries diverse meanings and potential impacts. Firstly, there is an anticipation that DIB can facilitate the integration of disability considerations across all government programs through appropriate budget allocations. Additionally, the study participants express a broader aspiration: they believe that DIB has the potential to empower them to fulfill their civic responsibilities by positioning them as active agents of development. This, in turn, would enable their meaningful contributions to state-led development initiatives.
Disability Inclusive Budgeting, Disability Inclusive Development, Disability Mainstreaming, Rights and Responsibilities, Budget Allocation, Inclusion and Participation
Author Biography
Antoni Tsaputra
Dr Antoni Tsaputra is an Indonesian scholar with a disability. Antoni is a researcher at AIDRAN (Australia Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network) and he currently also works as a Lecturer at School of Education of Padang State University. His research interests include disability inclusion and development, disability and SDGs, disability and inequality, disability and minorities, and disability rights realisation. He completed his PhD in 2019 at School of Social Sciences FASS UNSW Sydney. During his 4 year-PhD candidature, he was invited to present his research in various international conferences and prestigious events such as the Indonesia Update organised by ANU Indonesia Project
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